Wednesday, September 29, 2010

3 Months Old!

Lexi was 3 months old on Sunday! I can't believe how fast the time has gone. She is the joy of our lives! We fall more in love with her each day! Here are a few tid bits about our baby girl:
~She LOVES to be sitting up. She refuses to lay down and if you try she does a little sit up until you sit her back up.
~Loves the bumbo.
~Sucks on everything! Favorites are her binky, her little cloth lion, her cozy blanket and all her shirts and her knuckle.
~Loves her cozy! We are in trouble if we forget it.
~LOVES, LOVES bath time. She splashes like crazy!
~She giggles all the time. One day she'll laugh so hard at one thing and the next day you can do the same thing and she looks at you like you are such a dork.
~Hates her car seat.
~Likes to sing songs and look at books.
~Has the biggest smile!
I could go on and on about her! Everything she does Tip and I think is the cutest! She is my little buddy and it was hard to leave her to go to work, but she sure enjoys the time she gets to spend with Daddy.


The Ravsten's said...

I'm so happy for you that you are enjoying motherhood so much. It's a wonderful time. And you are doing a great job, it appears, at enjoying all the moments. Keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

She is a doll.

kars and linz said...

so cute! her legs are chunking up since last time i saw her!! cant wait to see her in a week!!

The Jackson Three said...

wow! that's so fun!!! Oh and her dress is adorable, my sister bought us the same one for her to wear next summer! :) LOVE IT.

Harris Family said...

I can't stop staring at this pic... Jeff and I both just love it!!!oh I can't wait to see her soon.