This post is a little late, Lexi is now 5 1/2 months old!
I can't believe how fast the time has FLOWN by!
Here are just a FEW new things about her!
~She babbles all day long!
~She LOVES rice cereal.
~She loves her cozy!
~She can sit all by herself.
~She is a total Mama's girl.
~She loves her Daddy's goatee (laughs so hard when he rubs it on her)
~loves anything fluffy and soft and rubs her face in it.
~She can drink from a straw
~Still loves Mickey Mouse Club house.
~Not a huge fan of strangers, cries unless she can see Mom or Dad
~Loves to sit up in the grocery cart
~Chews on her two fingers on her Right Hand
~Sleeps 7:30 to 7 am (most nights)
~She gives very sloppy, wet kisses
.....I could go on and on about her. She is such an amazing little girl. She is so fun! I love when I come home from work and she gives me a huge grin and dives to me. We sure love our little Lexi Grace!